Meet Shira Adler

Shira Adler is a recognized integrative care visionary and pioneer in the holistic wellness space. Founder and CEO of Synergy by Shira Adler™, a holistic wellness company, trusted since 2011, and dedicated to modern alchemy™—Shira was the first to explore and successfully create proprietary formulations of cannabinoids with essential oils creating first-in-class products utilizing a unique aromatherapy delivery method.
Shira is also Founder, CEO, and President of a powerful new agritech company: EcoSynergy, LLC. This company is passionately focused on advancing cannabiosience research and eco-hemp agritech innovation through plant based therapeutic biodiversity and sustainability, clinical research, products, and programs.
Shira is also a highly vetted media wellness personality, having been the debut mom on Bravo’s Extreme Guide to Parenting and has continued to represent across digital and linear media, and in person, what it is to be a “FemPowerment” focused entrepreneur.
Shira has been a recognized holistic lifestyle expert, author, speaker, and inspirer for more than two decades. Shira is also the acclaimed author of The ABCs of CBD™: The Essential Guide and an advocate, activist, and educator. Shira is a vetted hemp industries leader—former President of the NYHIA (the NY chapter of the Hemp Industries Association), the NorthEast Hemp Association (an affiliate of HIA), and Westchester County, NY chapters of Holistic Moms Network and Health and Wellness Network of Commerce (HWNCC).

Most importantly, Shira is “that Mama.” She’s been recognized as that “funky spiritual soccer mom,” aka the debut mom from Bravo’s “Extreme Guide to Parenting.” Yes, it all makes sense when you understand who Shira is—what she does—and her “deep Why” for doing it. After all, they say necessity is the motherhood of invention, Synergy came to be because of her children. From a childhood full of medications to nothing but plant-based therapeutics, Shira’s son is now 19 (an Indigo child) and in the Marines, and her daughter, 21, is a popular YouTuber influencer, actress, and sculptor whose hyper-realism body part candles created a viral sensation on TikTok and are available on Etsy.
Shira’s specializations include: integrative wellness and R&D, media, brand building, community & culture leadership & innovation, cannabis and hemp, eco-hemp sustainability, modern alchemy, female entrepreneurship, natural parenting, and holistic wellness & nutrition. In addition to her lengthy credentials in the hemp and CBD space, Shira has received many accolades for her decades of service which started years ago as clergy and spiritual counselor. She’s also been on five game shows… Shira’s throat chakra basically has no off switch. Is that really so surprising given everything else?
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